About us

Company Vision

Our company started with the fattening business of Japanese Black, benefiting from the geographical advantage and abundant nature of Hyogo Prefecture. It is exciting to see Japanese Wagyu Beef has begun to be recognized from around the world, but our vision remains simple.

“To show customers in Japan and around the world the quality of the cattle we raise.”

We hope to contribute to the community through our business by raising the highest quality cattle in an integrated business, and we will continue to puruse this vision with hard work and constant progress.

Company overview

Company name Kobe Farm
Representative CEO Yoshiharu Nishimura
location 268, Naka, Hikamicho, Tamba-shi, Hyogo,
669-3625, Japan
TEL・FAX TEL:0795-82-3188
Kasai Office 903-16, Mikuchicho, Kasai-shi, Hyogo,
675-2223, Japan
Established September 30, 1997


Since the establishment of our company in 1997,

we have grown to over 20 ranches nationwide.

Although the environment surrounding the primary industry in recent years

have become increasingly severe,

we will continue to push forward, expanding our network and business worldwide.

Headquarters access

Hikami Ranch (our central ranch)
Kasai Office

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  2. Kobe Farm
  3. About us